Monday, May 27, 2013

The Thing You Think You Cannot Do

It seems like a lifetime has past since I last wrote a post.  I am overwhelmed by the whirlwind of events that have taken place in the past month.  Shortly after posting my Hospital Horrors post, I made another trip back to the hospital.  This was no coincidence,  as I was putting off going back for over a month.  I began experiencing a pain that I have never felt before; a piercing sharp pain that throbbed right below my chest.  This pain was intensified by standing or walking, which interfered with the progress I was making from my spinal compression fractures. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hospital Horrors

Hospitals. The sound of that word makes most people cringe. If you have ever been hospitalized, you know how unpleasant the experience can be. The dreariness from all the illness encompasses you as the smell of sterilization makes you want to gag. Hallways seem to stretch on for miles as you catch a glimpse of each patient lying helplessly in their own misery. No matter how high you turn up the heat, there is always a coldness that lingers in the air.