I have encountered many tribulations since being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease almost eight years ago. When being told I had this disease at the tender age of 18, I was clueless and ignorant to how this drastic change was going to impact my life. Like most people at that age, I didn't take it seriously and never even thought about educating myself on the matter. A lot has changed since that fateful day, and I have learned that the only control anyone inflicted with this terrible disease can have is knowledge. Research and knowledge are the sharpest weapons we can use to protect ourselves from Irritable Bowel Disease. Even though this disease wreaks havoc on our bodies, we must utilize our brains as the most powerful tool.
Now that I am down a colon, it is essential I make an immense effort to do whatever it takes to increase my life's longevity by taking exceptional care of my body. Gone are the days I would put any food in my mouth without taking the time to educate myself on the ingredients. Even though it takes a ridiculous amount of self discipline, no food is worth putting my body at risk for another flare up (no matter how tasty it might be.) My intestines are like a metal detector that immediately goes off when any food of poor quality enters my GI tract. Although it is difficult to be so strict, I know this hard work will aid in keeping my disease in remission for good.
At this point in my life, as I quickly approach 26, I am gaining a deeper insight to the greater scope of this disease. Up until this time I have isolated myself in having Crohn's, when there are millions of people out there suffering with the same problems as myself. The only way that a cure for this disease is possible is through awareness and bringing all people affected from IBD together. Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, CCFA, is an organization that has been striving to make that happen.
My body is like a building under construction as I have been taking a series of steps to rebuild a strong and healthy foundation. I am amazed how quickly my body has transformed from that critical surgery only four months ago. Now I am ready to take on another significant step by forming a team for Take Steps for Crohn's and Colitis. Take Steps is a 2-3 mile walk filled with education materials, entertainment, food, and live music. It is the largest CCFA fundraiser as over 1.4 million people in America alone, including children, suffer from IBD. This is a promising opportunity towards making a difference, a difference that could potentially put an end to this devastating disease that has imprisoned the lives of so many.
I would like to create a team composed of family and friends to walk with for a Take Steps event that is occurring this May. Now that I don't have to expend all of my energy to fight the active disease, I am ready to fight against Crohn's on a larger scale. When you walk you help raise funds for awareness, education, and research. As long as the possibility for a cure is kept alive, hope for a pain free life is being tattooed on the hearts of those who suffer every day.
If you have any interest in joining my team to walk for Take Steps, please don't hesitate to let me know. Even if you don't want to or can't participate, a donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated. Not only is this a great opportunity to fight the war against Crohn's, it is a way to meet more people who completely understand exactly what I am going through. It is very important to me that all of the suffering experienced from IBD is utilized to truly make a difference so that no one feels there one existence will be left in vain.
Now that I am down a colon, it is essential I make an immense effort to do whatever it takes to increase my life's longevity by taking exceptional care of my body. Gone are the days I would put any food in my mouth without taking the time to educate myself on the ingredients. Even though it takes a ridiculous amount of self discipline, no food is worth putting my body at risk for another flare up (no matter how tasty it might be.) My intestines are like a metal detector that immediately goes off when any food of poor quality enters my GI tract. Although it is difficult to be so strict, I know this hard work will aid in keeping my disease in remission for good.
At this point in my life, as I quickly approach 26, I am gaining a deeper insight to the greater scope of this disease. Up until this time I have isolated myself in having Crohn's, when there are millions of people out there suffering with the same problems as myself. The only way that a cure for this disease is possible is through awareness and bringing all people affected from IBD together. Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, CCFA, is an organization that has been striving to make that happen.
My body is like a building under construction as I have been taking a series of steps to rebuild a strong and healthy foundation. I am amazed how quickly my body has transformed from that critical surgery only four months ago. Now I am ready to take on another significant step by forming a team for Take Steps for Crohn's and Colitis. Take Steps is a 2-3 mile walk filled with education materials, entertainment, food, and live music. It is the largest CCFA fundraiser as over 1.4 million people in America alone, including children, suffer from IBD. This is a promising opportunity towards making a difference, a difference that could potentially put an end to this devastating disease that has imprisoned the lives of so many.
I would like to create a team composed of family and friends to walk with for a Take Steps event that is occurring this May. Now that I don't have to expend all of my energy to fight the active disease, I am ready to fight against Crohn's on a larger scale. When you walk you help raise funds for awareness, education, and research. As long as the possibility for a cure is kept alive, hope for a pain free life is being tattooed on the hearts of those who suffer every day.
If you have any interest in joining my team to walk for Take Steps, please don't hesitate to let me know. Even if you don't want to or can't participate, a donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated. Not only is this a great opportunity to fight the war against Crohn's, it is a way to meet more people who completely understand exactly what I am going through. It is very important to me that all of the suffering experienced from IBD is utilized to truly make a difference so that no one feels there one existence will be left in vain.
Rachel, You are such a talented writer! I am so happy that you are finally on the road to recovery, feeling well, and pursuing your hopes and dreams. Please let me know the date of the walk. As long as I am able, I would love to join your team! I love you! xoxo, Aunt Malky